TOKENING Definitions, Synonyms, and Scrabble Information
Is TOKENING a valid Scrabble word? Find dictionary definitions, synonyms, Scrabble and Words with Friends information, and more about the word TOKENING below.
See what Anagrams and Words you can make with the letters in 'tokening' ( e g i k n n o t )
Scrabble and Words with Friends
TOKENING is a valid Scrabble
word worth 13 points. Scrabble
uses the TWL word list.
TOKENING is a valid Words with Friends
word worth 16 points. Words with
Friends uses the ENABLE word list.
- TOKENING is a 8 letter word containing the letters e, g, i, k, n, n, o, t.
noun an individual instance of a type of symbol
noun something serving as a sign of something else
noun a metal or plastic disk that can be redeemed or used in designated slot machines
noun something of sentimental value
adjective satellite insignificantly small; a matter of form only (`tokenish' is informal)
- Lookup TOKENING using the Merriam-Webster dictionary