INLAY Definitions, Synonyms, and Scrabble Information
Is INLAY a valid Scrabble word? Find dictionary definitions, synonyms, Scrabble and Words with Friends information, and more about the word INLAY below.
See what Anagrams and Words you can make with the letters in 'inlay' ( a i l n y )
Scrabble and Words with Friends
INLAY is a valid Scrabble
word worth 8 points. Scrabble
uses the TWL word list.
INLAY is a valid Words with Friends
word worth 9 points. Words with
Friends uses the ENABLE word list.
- INLAY is a 5 letter word containing the letters a, i, l, n, y.
noun (dentistry) a filling consisting of a solid substance (as gold or porcelain) fitted to a cavity in a tooth and cemented into place
noun a decoration made by fitting pieces of wood into prepared slots in a surface
verb decorate the surface of by inserting wood, stone, and metal
- Lookup INLAY using the Merriam-Webster dictionary
Words that sound like 'inlay'