GALLANTING Definitions, Synonyms, and Scrabble Information
Is GALLANTING a valid Scrabble word? Find dictionary definitions, synonyms, Scrabble and Words with Friends information, and more about the word GALLANTING below.
See what Anagrams and Words you can make with the letters in 'gallanting' ( a a g g i l l n n t )
Scrabble and Words with Friends
GALLANTING is a valid Scrabble
word worth 12 points. Scrabble
uses the TWL word list.
GALLANTING is a valid Words with Friends
word worth 18 points. Words with
Friends uses the ENABLE word list.
- GALLANTING is a 10 letter word containing the letters a, a, g, g, i, l, l, n, n, t.
noun a man who is much concerned with his dress and appearance
noun a man who attends or escorts a woman
adjective satellite unflinching in battle or action
adjective satellite lively and spirited
adjective satellite having or displaying great dignity or nobility
adjective satellite being attentive to women like an ideal knight
- Lookup GALLANTING using the Merriam-Webster dictionary